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Document Archives

We are currently in the process of converting all of the Annual and Board of Director Meeting Minutes into electronic form.   This section is still a work in process, so please bear with us as we clean it up.  If you are willing to assist in this process, please let us know.

This section contains Newsletters, Meeting Minutes from Board or Director Meetings and Membership Meetings, , and Year End Financials for Swiss Alpine Association.  The information is organized by Fiscal Year to make it warier to retrieve pertinent information relating to a particular point in time. 

The Swiss Alpine Fiscal Year runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following year.   As an example, FY2006 runs from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007.  The minutes from the Annual Meeting held in May of 2007 will appear under FY2006.

Fiscal Year 2000
Fiscal Year 2001
Fiscal Year 2002
Fiscal Year 2003
Fiscal Year 2004
Fiscal Year 2005
Fiscal Year 2006
Fiscal Year 2007