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Billing Procedures

If all members paid their Annual Assessments and Other Fees within a reasonable timeframe, we would not need this section.

However, in the past there have been members that neglect to fulfill their obligations to the Association. Unpaid Annual Assessments and other fees puts a strain on the annual operating budget for the Association, and results in necessary maintenance not being performed. For this reason, billing procedures have been implemented to ensure the Association is able to operate in an adequate and efficient manner. For more information please click on the Billing Policy Details

Campground Usage

The campground was developed for the use and enjoyment of Swiss Alpine members and guests for weekend getaways, week long family vacations or family reunions.  Several members have found the campground to be a useful resource while building their homes at Swiss Alpine.

Members using the campground are asked to please follow the Campground Rules and pay the appropriate camping fees.  Please click here for details.

Swiss and Alpine Lakes

Watercraft are permitted on Swiss and Alpine lakes, provided no fuel powered motors are used.

Homeowners are permitted to have Boat Docks on their property extending into either Swiss or Alpine Lakes. If you do, please follow these guidelines.