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Annual Membership Meeting

May 29, 2005




Meeting Minutes

Board members present: Richard Allarding, Robert Croaker, Carol Posey, James Priester, Victor Karns, and Ernest Wert.  Absent: Walter Nalezyty

James Priester, acting chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:20 pm.

A moment of silence was observed in honor of Memorial Day, all the veterans of past conflicts, and the men & women serving our country today.

The chairman asked Jaci Knuth to act as Parliamentarian, and read some of the basic rules of order that need to be observed at meetings.

Roberta Stolzenfeld, acting Secretary, read the minutes of the previous Annual Meeting.  A motion was made by Ron Sykes, seconded by Tom Stolzenfeld, to approve the minutes as read.  Motion carried.

The President’s report was read by Jim Priester on behalf of Walt Nalezyty, who could not be present at the meeting.  A copy of this report was also mailed to the members with the ballot before the meeting.

Dick Allarding gave a report for the Architectural Committee, since the Board acts in that capacity at the present time.  He was asked if a new survey is required, or if people can just find the old stakes.  He answered that old stakes have sometimes been moved, and a new survey protects both the property owner and those owning adjoining lots.

The Campground Committee was represented by Mary Silanpaa.  She repeated the requirement that all campers must have current plates visible.  She thanked Rich & Kim Bell and Christine McMillan for keeping the bathhouse clean.  Jim Priester had donated new faucets and Victor Karns installed them.  Ron Delpiere-Smith and Tom Stolzenfeld had cut down dead trees to reduce hazard and clear space for the campers.  She asked that the campground have dust control applied, even though it had been announced that no money would be available for this year.  Chris McMillan moved that dust control be applied in the Campground, seconded by Ron Delpiere-Smith.   Several of the members spoke for or against the motion. A suggestion was made that all the campers could put in money to purchase the Dow Flake needed for the Campground.  A vote was then taken by the Secretary & Treasurer, counting the number of lots each person present had.  The vote was 60 “no”, 37 “yes”.  Chris McMillan, seconded by Jim Fox, made a motion to keep the Campground open until January.  Discussion followed concerning the additional cost of heating the bathhouse to prevent frozen pipes.  A vote was then taken in the previous manner; 52 “no”, 28 “yes”. 

Discussion followed concerning 4-wheelers that were trespassing on private property and making new trails.  A new “race track” oval has been made on the common ground east of Schwyz Circle.

The Rules Committee report was given by Roberta Stolzenfeld.  The members plan to work with the Covenants Committee when possible.

Ron Delpiere-Smith announced that he no longer wished to chair the Covenants Committee, and that no further meetings had been held.  Anyone interested in helping should contact a Board member.

The Nominating Committee reported that next year they needed to start looking for candidates much earlier than this year.

The Chairman appointed Bob Anderson, Bob Lehyer, Jeannie Swihart and Kay Wert to act as tellers and judges, and to count the ballots. 

Ron Delpiere-Smith reported on the website. We now have a new website provider, and the address is www.swissalpine.org.  Local businesses can advertise on our website for a fee of $10.00 per year, or $25.00 if they want a link to their own website.  A higher amount may be charged for other business advertising.  Ron has donated the fees for paying the host this year, and hopes that advertising fees may be able to pay the fee in years to come.

The Chairman announced that Awards and Recognition plaques would be awarded to past Board members and volunteers.  Awards were given to Past Presidents: Richard Allarding, Arlene May, and Walter Nalezyty; past Board Members Robert Croaker, Don Gugle, Carol Posey, David Posey, Stan Stump, Dan Topp, and Jack Van Wieran; Summer Manager Bob May; volunteers Tom & Roberta Stolzenfeld and Tim & Jean Schember.

Carol Posey presented a statement of the goals and accomplishments to date of the Finance Committee (copy follows).  The 5-year spread sheet of past income and expenses was explained by Jaci Knuth.  The budget for 2005-2006 was presented by Tim Schember.  Several people had questions, which were answered by various Finance Committee members.  Members discussed buying propane in bulk as a co-op group, and Chris McMillan, seconded by Mary Silanpaa, moved to have the Board check into this possibility.  A motion was made by Chris McMillan, seconded by John Todd, to accept the budget for 2005-2006.  Motion carried.

Discussion followed concerning the rising cost of trash removal for the Association.  A usage fee is being considered for the residents, or anyone who uses the Association dumpsters as their primary trash disposal.  Trash removal companies have been contacted about individual pickup, but have refused to return calls or give estimates.  The Board will discuss this over the next few months.

Four-wheeler abuse was discussed, with a suggestion that it may be possible to hold classes for anyone interested in the correct way to use recreational vehicles.  More information is required.

Election results were announced:  all 3 candidates for Board Member were elected, since no opposing candidates had filed.  There were not enough votes to meet a quorum; therefore, all assessment increases and by-law changes failed.

Tim Schember moved to increase all lots by $100.00, with no break for additional lots owned.  Bob Lehyer seconded the motion.  After discussion, the motion was withdrawn.  The Chairman ruled that he believed that the COLA rider was against the Covenants; therefore Jeanne Rapley, seconded by Rita Moe, moved to increase the assessment by $50.00 and any additional lots by $25.00, beginning with the 2006 invoice.  Motion carried with very few “no” votes.

Chris McMillan, seconded by Mary Silanpaa, moved that no two family or extended family members be allowed to serve on the Board at the same time.  The Chairman ruled that this would be against the Covenants, since it is stated that any member in good standing may serve on the Board or any committee.  Motion failed.

A motion was made by Jeanne Rapley, seconded by Bob Leyher, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.

Presidents Report


Treasurers Report