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Annual Assessments

Swiss Alpine Association performs numerous maintenance activities year-round to preserve the beauty of Swiss Alpine for all the members to enjoy. These activities include road maintenance in the summer and snow removal in the winter; cleaning and maintaining of the clubhouse and campground; maintaining liability insurance, and payment or property taxes on the common properties. The costs associated with the maintenance and upkeep of Swiss Alpine is covered by the Annual Assessments. 

The table below shows the current Assessment amounts that are due on April 1st every year.

Primary Lot $100
Each Additional Lot $50

The Annual Assessments are paid in advance of the fiscal year. Swiss Alpine does not pro-rate, or provide refunds on Annual Assessments because of transfer of property title. Any prorating of Annual Assessments is based on mutual agreement between the buyer and seller, and not Swiss Alpine.

In order to ensure correct invoicing of the Annual Assessments, we ask that the secretary be notified of all changes in property ownership.

Past Due Assessments

If all members paid their Annual Assessments within a reasonable timeframe, we would not need this section. However, in the past there have been members that neglected to fulfill their obligations to the Association. Unpaid Annual Assessments and other fees puts a strain on the annual operating budget for the Association, and results in necessary maintenance not being performed.

There are cost associated with collecting on past due accounts. The table below shows the time frame that has been adopted for collecting past due accounts.

Timeframe Collection Action Taken
July Past due statements generated and sent via USPS Regular Mail.
September $20 Past Due Administrative Fee added to each past due lot.
Past due statements generated and sent via USPS Certified Mail.
November $150 Administrative Fee added to each account.
Past Due statements generated to be used for filing of Lien on Property.
Notice of Lien and Past Due Statement sent to member.
Lien documents prepared, and recorded at Osceola County Register of Deeds.
NOTE: This amount may be reduced if account is paid by the Court Date.
January Start lawsuit proceedings to collect past debt.

While it is not the intent for Swiss Alpine to generate a profit on delinquent accounts; the Board of Directors believes these additional costs should be paid by those placing the additional burden on Swiss Alpine, and not the rest of the Swiss Alpine membership.

If a member is experiencing a hardship due to extenuating circumstances, please notify the Secretary/Treasurer, or any Board Member. Special Circumstances will be discussed at the Board Meeting, and alternative payment plans may be arranged.