Board of Directors
May 27, 2000
<No agenda was available or this meeting>
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Dick Allarding, Stan Stump, Jim Van Wieren, Dan Topp, Russ Behm, Arlene May, David Posey, Robert May (Summer Manager), and Cathy Eppard (Secretary/Treasurer). Members Absent: None
The meeting was called to order by Dick Allarding at 9:39 a.m.
The minutes of the April 29, 2001 meeting were read. A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Arlene May to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The treasurer's report was given. A motion was made by Russ Behm and seconded by Dan Topp to accept the treasurer's report as given. Motion carried.
Russ Behm reported the price of signs were $41.36 each and posts were $20.71 each, totaling $62.07. Discussion continued on the sign speed limits as to whether the speed should be reduced from the previously voted 25 miles per hour. A motion was made by Russ Behm and seconded by Dan Topp to change the motion from the April 29 meeting from 25 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour. Motion carried.
The board was informed that the purchase of Theresa Simmons property, Lot #240, by the Weaver's has fallen through. The property has presently been condemned and the bank will be foreclosing and removing the mobile home. Refund will need to be made to the Weaver's as they paid the back assessments on the property.
Robert Leyrer presented a proposal to build a home on Lot #197. A motion was made by Jim Van Wieren and seconded by Stan Stump to accept the building site as presented. Motion carried.
Fay Wilson presented a proposal to build a home on Lot #492. A motion was made by Dan Topp and seconded by Arlene May to approve the building plan with the submission of a site location plan to a board member. Motion carried.
Proof of a quit claim deed was presented to the board on the Anderson and Anthony property. The lots 367 and 368 have been deeded to Carol Anthony. With this deeding the board approves the site plan for building a home.
Discussion was held on the rights of association members who build on a seasonal road to receive plowing services from the county. Dick Allarding will make contact with the township, and Jim Van Wieren will check with Osceola county as to their policies and laws.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. until after the annual meeting to begin checking in members for the vote.
The meeting re-convened at 4:00 p.m. by Dick Allarding.
The new board member Rick Anderson was absent from the meeting due to a trip out of town. He is conveyed a welcome to the board of directors.
A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Jim Van Wieren to nominate Arlene May as president. Motion carried.
A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Dan Topp to nominate Stan Stump as vice-president. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dan Topp and seconded by Stan Stump to hire Cathy Eppard as secretary/treasurer. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dan Topp and seconded by Jim Van Wieren to hire Robert May as the summer manager. Motion carried.
Discussion was held for the need to have a board member who does not leave during the winter capable of writing checks. A motion was made by Dan Topp and seconded by Stan Stump to authorize Dick Allarding to write checks for Swiss Alpine along with Cathy Eppard, Arlene May, and Stan Stump. Cathy Eppard will make arrangements with the banks to have new signature cards created. Motion carried.
A building site proposal was submitted by Johnny Childers for Lot 236 to build a polebarn. A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Dan Topp to approve the building site as presented. Motion carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 15 at 10:00 a.m. in the clubhouse.
A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Dan Topp to adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Eppard