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Board of Directors

September 3, 2000



1.  Call meeting to order.

2.  Minutes to previous

3.  Treasurer's Report.

4.  Old Business.

a.  Status of Liens/Unpaid Accounts

b.  Status of Road signs

c.  Status of Mail Boxes

d.  Status of Noise control signs Callender & Dornbos, Inc.

e.  Theresa Simmons trash removal

f.  Color Coding for 911/Large Map

g.  Ownership of Lots 62, 239, and 249

7. New Business


Meeting Minutes

Members Present:Dick Allarding, David Posey, Arlene May, Dan Topp, Jim Van Wieren, Robert May (Summer Manager), and Cathy Eppard (Secretary/Treasurer).

Members Absent: Don Gugle and Stan Stump

The meeting was called to order by Dick Allarding at 10:15 a.m.

The minutes of the July 30, 2000 meeting were read. A motion was made by Dan Topp and seconded by Arlene May to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.

The treasurer's report was given. A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Arlene May to accept the treasurer's report as given. Motion carried.

Cathy Eppard reported on the liens filed on properties and status of unpaid accounts. Those payments not received by September 10 will be turned over to collection, unless lot owners make other arrangements for payment of assessments and campground fees.

Dick Allarding reported that the stop sign was up, but that the yield sign and noise control signs would have to be ordered from Callender and Dombos. Stan Stump was not present at the meeting; therefore, this item was tabled until the next meeting.

No word has been received from the postmaster regarding the placement of the mailboxes.

Bob May reported that the trash removal problem has been resolved with Theresa Simmons property.

The color coding maps have been delivered to 911. Dick Allarding and Cathy Eppard both reported that the making of a large colored laminated map is cost prohibitive. The smaller maps will have to be sufficient.

The ownership of lots 61, 62, 239 and 249 were reported as accurate in the database. This was checked against Osceola county records.

Mr. Natavio, owner of lot #309 submitted a homesite plan. He is asking for a deviation of existing by-laws and covenants. A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Jim Van Wieren to approve the deviation contingent on having 125 ft in the back as required by the covenants. Motion carried.

Discussion was held on the notice to association members about the change in the 3 5-ft rule from the front of the property. This change is more restrictive than our covenants, but we are required by law to follow the most restrictive laws. The board recommended that rather than being specific about each change at the county level as they occur, just notify the membership of their responsibility to check and follow the laws that are the most restrictive as set by the state government, local government, or association. This will be included in the mailing of the annual meeting minutes and financial standing.

Jim Van Wieren notified the board of his intention of logging the back 40-acre property he owns adjacent to the association's land. Discussion was held on the use of an easement to bring out the logging trucks. Mr. Van Wieren asked the board members about using the association's road rather than cut another road right next to the exiting one because of the impact on the front entrance at 10 Mile Road. Improvements will have to be made to the road to handle the weight of the logging trucks. This item was tabled until the next meeting to allow for additional investigation.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 29, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. in the clubhouse.

A motion was made by David Posey and seconded by Jim Van Wieren to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 a.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Eppard