Board of Directors

September 26, 2004



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
  3. Treasurer's Report
  4. Manager's Report
  5. President's Report
  6. Jean Schember Report on Layer and Foreclosures
  7. Unfinished Business:
    a. Osceola County Sheriff to talk about 4 Wheelers and Snowmobiles
    b. $100.00 Trash removal and roads Fee
    c. Fire Hydrant update
    d. Brine for the roads ?
    e. Motion sensor lights update
    f. Fish, Stocking of Lake
    g. Repairs on lawn mower and tractor
    h. Book Update
  8.  New Business:
    a. Miscellaneous Items

Meeting Minutes

Members Present: James Priester, Richard Allarding, Robert Croaker, Victor Kams, Ernest Wert, Robert May (Summer Manager), Cathy Eppard (Secretary/Treasurer).

Absent: Walter Nalezyty.

The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by James Priester.

The minutes of the August 29 meeting were read. The following grammatical errors were presented by Roberta Stolzenfeld: page 1, paragraph 6, line 5, "manager's" should read "manager"; page 2, paragraph 1, line 3, "on going" should read "ongoing"; page 2, paragraph 2, line 8, "recycle" should read "recycling"; and page 2, paragraph 2, line 5, "per person" should read "per household". A correction was also made by Victor Kams on page 3, paragraph 6, and should read "Discussion was held on the possibility of increasing the fees for the clubhouse rental. It was felt that the clubhouse was not a money making venture, but here to encourage usage by the members to socialize. The rental fee will remain at $50 subject to a recommendation for increase by the finance committee". A correction was submitted by James Priester on page 3, paragraph 5, to clarify that "The award nominations should be submitted prior to the annual meeting from the membership to the Awards Committee. A nomination request form will be sent out with the billing in March". A motion was made by Ernie Wert and seconded by Victor Kams to accept the minutes with the above corrections. Motion carried.

The treasurer's report was given. A motion was made by Victor Kams and seconded by Robert Croaker to accept the treasurer's report subject to audit. Motion carried.

The manager's report was given. Sand has been purchased from Van Horn Maintenance, the gas tank needs filling, and Tim has inspected the truck and found the carrier bearing and hydraulic cylinder needs repair, and the truck needs new tires or chains.

The president's report was given by James Priester for Walter Naleyzty.

James Priester also informed the board that the website has been updated and he donated an improved copy of a lot map and new lake depth maps. These are copyrighted and free to the association members, but not to be used by business ventures for their gain. Contact Jim or Ron Delpiere-Smith for Permission details.

Jean Schember reported from the finance committee. Contact has been with an attorney, Jim Thompson, who has given us sample letters and legal documents to begin foreclosure on properties with overdue assessments. The question was raised as to whether a judge will allow the association to represent themselves in legal action or must we have legal representation. Permission would have to be given by a judge to proceed. Mr. Thompson also informed Jean that the covenants and by-laws need to be updated to clarify issues and improve the operation of the association. The charging of fees in general is in question and needs to be clarified. Mr. Thompson charged a fee of $50 for his opinion and legal documents. In addition the board was informed that an audit would be performed on October 17 to review receipts for the last three years and evaluate where expenditures can be reduced.

The deputy sheriff was not available to give a presentation on the legal issue of helmets. Helmets are required to be worn by minors at all times, including on private property.

The subject of the fire hydrant is still in question. Carol Posey said she would contact the fire chief again to see what the status is on repair. Johnny Childers volunteered to fix the lines. A motion was made by Richard Allarding and seconded by Victor Kams to table this matter until contact can be made with the fire chief. Motion carried.

The brining of the roads was discussed. It is too late in the year to brine and next year it may be cheaper to combine our brining with Indian Lake. This year it is recommended that each lot owner purchase Dow Flakes and place them on the road in front of their property. Estimated cost is $11.00 for 200 ft of road. The crown of the road is a problem and needs to be repaired.

Motion sensor lights were tabled until next meeting.

The stocking of fish was discussed. Concern was expressed about spending the money at this time. It was decided since the membership voted at the annual meeting to stock the lakes that the board should precede with their request. Ernie Wert reported that he needed to give two days notice in advance to the vender and pay at the time of delivery.

James Priester clarified the Awards Committee. Mr. Priester passed the gavel to Carol Posey and made a motion to change the Awards Committee to an Awards Chairperson and not a committee. Awards should be for past presidents, volunteers, employees, and those that perform extra work for the association. Nominations will than be submitted to the board for approval. The motion was seconded by Victor Karns. Motion carried. Thegavel was returned to James Priester.

An architectural request was submitted by Mike and Deb Wert on lot 103 for a garage/shed. Questions were raised on the placement of the building in distance from the road. This item was tabled until measurements can be obtained.

Cathy Eppard requested a decision from the board in the matter of the billing for the usage fee. The billing needs to be reversed and money returned to those who paid the bill until this matter can be resolved. The gavel was passed on and a motion was made by James Priester and seconded by Victor Karns to withdraw their original motion and second to establish a users fee and return the checks. Motion Carried.

Roberta Stolzenfeld and Carol Posey donated their money to the association.  

In addition, Cathy Eppard reported that the income tax had been filed and the workman's compensation audit was completed.

Discussion was held on the use of ATVs on the ski hill. Mr. Bell asked that members not enter his property to access the common ground. Members present complained that access from the road to the common ground was being blocked, and that was why members were entering through the Bell property. They asked that the boulders be removed so that they could enter from the road. Concern was expressed over liability to the association and that by blocking access to the ski hill residents were being prevented from a possible serious accident; especially unsupervised children who were racing down the hill. Further discussion continued and a motion was made by Carol Posey and seconded by Victor Kams to table this discussion and reconvene at the ski  hill to access the situation.

The board reconvened at the ski hill and discussed the possibility of creating a trail at a safer angle to the hill to alleviate the problem of accidents. Richard Allarding objected to opening up the access because of possible accident and erosion from the ATVs. Further investigation will have to be made into the cost of creating a new trail. Some board members said they could not deny access to common ground, and members could not continue to enter the Bell property. It was agreed that access would not be denied, but members were entering at their own risk and should supervise their children. A sign should be placed at the entrance stating the safety issue.

The next meeting is set for October 24 at 10:30 a.m. in the clubhouse.

A motion was made by Victor Kams and seconded by Ernie Wert to adjourn the meetings at 1:10. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Eppard

Presidents Report

Checked the condition of the roads there are some holes and will take care of them when we get the 23a gravel

Grade the roads

Dropped off wood shed papers to Fay Wilson

Found correct phone number for Duane Van Horn and gave to Bob to order sand and gravel

Looking for a source for salt for the winter

Worked with Bob and Tim on lawn tractor

Talked with Tom about lights on club house, he needs some help and I will help him next week.

Treasurers Report