Swiss Alpine Association - By-Laws




Amendment #5



Section 3. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to the use and enjoyment of the common properties and facilities. The Swiss Alpine member shall be responsible for any violation(s) by the member or an invited guest of the member, who violates the recreational benefits entitled to Swiss Alpine members. The following penalties shall be imposed by the Board of Directors:

  1. A first violation resulting in damages to the roads or other property of Swiss Alpine shall result in a $10 penalty fine, plus restoration costs.
  2. A second or subsequent violation within a two (2) year period resulting in damages to the roads or other property of Swiss Alpine shall result in a $50 penalty fine, plus restoration costs.
  3. Any violation resulting in environmental damages to the roads or Swiss Alpine common grounds shall result in a $100 penalty fine, plus restoration costs, and shall have recreational rights in suspended for a period of up to 90 days based on action by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall seek financial relief under the Michigan Recreational Trespass Act from any member that declines to pay a penalty fine and/or restoration costs.


Any and all provisions contained in the By-Laws of the Swiss Alpine Association and previous Amendments, which are not specifically amended herein, shall continue to be in full force and are affirmed, except as specifically amended herein.

This Amendment shall apply to any present or future unpaid dues or assessments.