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Swiss Alpine Association - By-Laws




Amendment #2



Article X is hereby amended so that after amendment it will read as follows:

Section 1. The nominating Committee appointed pursuant to Section 4 or Article VII by the Board of Directors shall also nominate at least three (3) nominees for election to the Rules Committee at the first annual meeting. The nominee receiving the highest vote shall assume a three (3) year term. The nominee receiving the second highest vote shall assume a two (2) year term. The nominee receiving the third highest vote shall assume a one (1) year term.  In subsequent years, the Nominating Committee shall nominate sufficient members so that vacancies may be filled at the annual meeting. Remaining members of the Rules Committee shall fill vacancies created by death or resignation.

Section 2. Duties of Rules Committee. The Rules Committee shall be responsible for By-Laws, and shall refer to it in writing all other proposed amendments to By-Laws for its action. The Committee shall present proposed amendments to the membership, and shall inform the membership of the meaning of proposed amendments. The Committee shall also cooperate with the Board of Directors in interpreting the By-Laws.

Section 3. Health and Safety Rules within the Association. The discharge of any firearm shall be prohibited on any of the common areas owned by the Association, and further shall be prohibited on any private lot within four hundred fifty (450) feet of any residence or building constructed within the Association. A firearm shall be defined by the same definition as used in the statutes defining firearms within the State of Michigan, in effect at the time of the enforcement of these rules. All other state DNR regulations with regard to hunting or fishing shall also be applicable and effective within the Association's boundaries.

Any owner of real property within Swiss Alpine and/or the Board of Directors shall have the right to prosecute any proceedings at law or equity against any person(s) violating or attempting to violate the rules contained herein, either to prevent that person(s) from violating the rules or to recover damages or other dues for such violations.


Any and all provisions contained in the By-Laws of the Swiss Alpine Association and the First Amendment, which are not specifically amended herein, shall continue to be in full force and are affirmed, except as specifically amended herein.

This Amendment shall apply to any present or future unpaid dues or assessments.